Sabotage :Jucelino Luz has predicted the death of Eduardo Campos in 2005

Eduardo Campos

Jucelino Nobrega da Luz, known for making predictions, would have sent a letter to Eduardo Campos in 2005, with details of the accident that killed presidential candidate on the morning of last Wednesday (13). 

In the letter, he makes an appeal to the then Minister of Science and Technology of the Lula government, and said that he would suffer a plane crash in August 2014 He also said that the former governor of Pernambuco would be the presidential candidate in 2014 and that the accident would be motivated by a sabotage. 

See the transcript of the letter: 
I Come very respectfully to ask you to listen to me because we have a crash of TAM in Sao Paulo JJ 3054 and this is a sign that your life is at risk and sabotage will bring down his plane in Santos with Labace plane 2012 in August 13 of 2014 . You have to be very careful, because you will be running for President in 2014 And your plane will be sabotaged .
And also there will be another accident “ …. “ November 26 of 2014 . 
I hope to be wrong wrong. 
Jucelino Nobrega 15/06/2005

Jucelino Luz is famous because he had predicted an accident of TAM JJ3054 , and his letter was analyzed by a famous and respectable forensic expert who stated categorically that his letter is true. 
Mario Ronco filho –Journalist and press assessory of Jucelino Luz

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